Syracuse Wedding DJ Peter Naughton
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Green Lakes State Park wedding DJ

Wedding: Jenna and Jeff at Green Lakes, 9/10/16 1

Wedding: Jenna and Jeff at Green Lakes, 9/10/16

With so many great Central New York wedding venues, it’s rare that I get to DJ at the same venue twice in one season.  I love visiting new venues, but it’s also nice to return to a familiar place.  Jenna and Jeff’s wedding reception was my second in 2016 at the Old Administration Building at Fayetteville’s Green Lakes State Park.  As far as outdoorsy wedding venues go, a second visit confirms this one remains hard to beat. (more…)

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Wedding: Mackenzie and Jeremy at Green Lakes, Fayetteville, 6/18/16 2

Wedding: Mackenzie and Jeremy at Green Lakes, Fayetteville, 6/18/16

In the few years since I’ve moved from Syracuse to Fayetteville, I’ve had Green Lakes State Park practically in my backyard, but never realized its potential as a wedding venue… until now! It’s all thanks to Mackenzie and Jeremy, who held their ceremony and reception at the park’s Old Administration Building.  If you’ve been to the park but aren’t familiar with this building, you’ve probably seen it before; if you’re standing on the beach, it’s the stone building up on the hill to the left. (more…)

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