My third wedding of 2017 brought me to my second new venue of the year. Although I’ve driven by The Rusty Rail in Canastota many times, Lindsay and Ryan’s wedding reception presented my first chance to visit. As always, I’ve got photos, music selections and more in my latest blog post.
Located along route 5 on the west side of Canastota, the Rusty Rail always seemed small while driving by. But once you pull into the parking lot, you realize that “small-looking” building stretches back pretty far! Having never been there before, I was surprised to find there’s enough space to hold at least two large events (maybe three) simultaneously.
For the wedding party intros, Lindsay and Ryan wanted a different song for each set of parents and each couple from the wedding party. They provided their list a few weeks in advance, allowing me to custom-edit each song. I always like to include the best part of each song (so people have a chance to recognize the song) and then an instrumental section to announce over.
Although Lindsay said she knew this was “not a dancing crowd,” we still managed to get people out on the floor. Here are just some of the photos I snapped — click the blue button at the bottom to see more, and to tag/like/share on Facebook!
Click any photo below for a larger version.
In addition to my shots from the reception here and on Facebook, professional photographer Stephen Marsh has (literally) hundreds more spanning the entire wedding day on his own website. Check them out!
Thanks again to Lindsay and Ryan for selecting me as your DJ, and to the staff at the Rusty Rail for the wonderful hospitality!